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How to handle WhatsApp service requests from WhatsApp marketing campaigns

How to handle WhatsApp service requests from WhatsApp marketing campaigns

Sometimes, customers reply to WhatsApp marketing campaigns, not knowing they're automated – and expect personal responses fast. But marketing teams may not be set up to handle this.

While customer engagement is a great thing, these messages from customers can cause a problem: WhatsApp marketing is usually handled by the marketing or CRM team. They don't usually have time to handle all the messages that come back from customers.

A flurry of customer replies doesn't always happen of course, but for brands with highly engaged, loyal customers, it may be an issue.

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It's a very nice problem to have, but at the same time it's all the more important not to let these loyal customers down.

And even if customers don't usually reply, you need to be ready for when they do. Some campaigns, like product launches, where customers are (happily) curious about your new products, can lead to more WhatsApp replies than others.

By ignoring customer WhatsApp requests, you can:

Lose sales

Annoy customers

Potentially lose customers

Put stress on marketing teams

Added to this, WhatsApp is a channel where people expect speedy, 2-way conversations – even more so than email. So here, in this channel, they may feel double let down.

The solution: integrate WhatsApp with your service platform

There's a simple answer to replying to customer WhatsApps that come in after WhatsApp campaign sendouts: send them to your customer service team.

Larger companies usually have several teams handling different aspects of the same channel. For example, email marketing is handled by one team and email service is handled by the support team.

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