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Email vs WhatsApp marketing: which is better for CRM teams?

Email vs WhatsApp marketing: which is better for CRM teams?

WhatsApp is the powerful new marketing channel taking European eCommerce brands and CRM teams by storm. The big question is: will it replace your email marketing?


It's hard to believe for some – looking at you Gen Z – but email was once a very big deal. Hailed as a "killer application," it transformed businesses and lives.

WhatsApp is the powerful new marketing channel taking European eCommerce brands and CRM teams by storm. The big question is: will it replace your email marketing?


It's hard to believe for some – looking at you Gen Z – but email was once a very big deal. Hailed as a "killer application," it transformed businesses and lives.

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With the arrival of email, marketers suddenly had an incredible tool at their fingertips. They could message thousands of people for free. No stamps, no printers, no time delay. They didn't need to spend much on design. 


As email software tools like Klaviyo and Mailchimp appeared, email marketing became even more sophisticated, efficient and revenue generating. Marketers could choose audiences, analyze shopping behavior, send more targeted emails, automated processes and more.


Then came the "email is dead" articles

In 2015, an article by Inc. declared the email era was over and predicted "a new communication channel will replace email by 2020." 


Some consumers lost their love for email and started messaging each other on apps like WhatsApp instead. No need for subject lines or formalities. Less spam. As life became more informal, people wanted easier, quicker communication channels.


Email started to gain a reputation as old-fashioned and brands started to wonder if it was worth investing in email at all. Especially as social media apps like Facebook, Instagram and TikTok took a growing share of people's attention.


Then came WhatsApp Business

In 2018, WhatsApp Business arrived. WhatsApp (through its parent company, Meta) opened up its hugely popular consumer app to businesses so they could connect with the 2 billion people already engaged in this messaging app.


Many businesses (including us) predicted this new "killer app" for marketers to be the death of email.


With 88% of users open to engaging with brands via WhatsApp, it's a goldmine for businesses that seize the opportunity. And it's already working very well in key WhatsApp Business markets like Brazil and India.


The demise of email marketing – fact or fiction?

So now 2020 has come and gone, and new channels have appeared, did email die?


Clearly, no.


Email is a hardy channel. Even with some wobbly moments, and the birth of many exciting communication methods, it has always bounced back.




Junk folders have improved, functionality has been added, drunk emailing has been solved. As content gets ever shorter and more distracting, many are beginning to appreciate the "slowness" of email.


Email is still used by marketers successfully for long-form content, product launches, regular news updates, customer relationship marketing (CRM) and more.

And the stats remain impressive:

81% of SMBs still call email as their primary customer acquisition channel

87% of B2B marketers say email is one of their top free organic distribution channels.


Granted, email may not get the engagement and reach it used to, but it's still a steady source of income for eCommerce businesses.


Email vs. WhatsApp: the battle is on...?

In one corner, the tried-and-true veteran, email marketing. In the other, the agile newcomer, WhatsApp marketing.


Marketing departments today are faced with a choice: to invest in the classic power of email or be tempted by the allure of WhatsApp.


Let's dive into this epic marketing showdown and uncover the strategies that set brands apart.


Email and WhatsApp marketing compared

First, let's look at how the two marketing channels compare with each other:

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