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What is The Most Visited City in The World in 2024?

What is The Most Visited City in The World in 2024?

International travel agencies, research centers, and independent companies regularly monitor the attendance of states and major cities on different continents. Let’s consider the list of the most visited city in the world in 2024.

The Global City Ranking evaluates countries and cities around the world based on data on the number of visitors and their expenses. Political and economic situations are changing, and pandemics come and go, but one thing remains unchanged: the growing desire of people to explore new places and immerse themselves in foreign cultures. Every year, more and more people travel the world and spend more and more money in these most visited cities in the world. But what is the top most visited city to visit in 2024?

The Top of the Most Visited Cities in 2024

1. Hong Kong, China

The most visited city in the world in 2024 is Hong Kong. The sparkling metropolis, is located in the southeastern part of China. It is more than 5 million annual visitors ahead of its nearest pursuer, Bangkok, which until recently firmly held the first place with international arrivals in it.

According to experts, one of the world’s largest financial centers will be visited by at least 31 million people in a few years, and by 2025 the figure will approach 44 million. Stay connected to the whole world while in China with the eSIM Plus tariff plan for China.

2. Bangkok, Thailand

The capital of Thailand is one of two cities in the world with an annual visit of more than 20 million people. With its vibrant nightlife, fine cuisine, and affordable prices, Bangkok attracts millions of tourists from all over the world. The city is the popular place and has many historical attractions, including famous Buddhist temples, modern shopping malls, and places for a comfortable stay.

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By the way, unlike Hong Kong, where Chinese citizens form the lion’s share of visitors, most foreigners go to Bangkok. Do not get lost in Thailand and have the internet at hand along with the eSIM Plus tariff plan for Thailand.

3. London, United Kingdom

London is the most visited city in the world among European countries. Shortly, the British capital expects more than 20 million guests, and by 2025 the number of visitors should exceed 25 million.

Despite leaving the European Union, London remains one of the most important business centers on the planet. Therefore, not only numerous tourists come to this city, but also numerous entrepreneurs and qualified specialists from abroad. Discover the UK and share with your friends live with the eSIM Plus tariff plan for the UK.

4. Singapore

Singapore is a city-state in the southeastern part of Asia and one of the four “Asian tigers”. With a population of just under 5.9 million people, the number of visitors exceeds 16 million per year, that is, three times more than local residents. By the end of the decade, the flow may reach 20 million

Most often, Chinese, Indonesians, and Australians fly to Singapore. In addition to the tourism and business component, foreigners are attracted by the fact that Singapore has one of the best medical systems in the world. Do not forget about the mobile data in Singapore and choose the eSIM Plus tariff plan for Singapore.

5. Macau, China

Another representative of China and Asia, Macau, closes the top five most visited cities in the world. According to analysts, in ten years, this settlement will receive at least 25 million people a year. That is, the number of visits will increase by 10 million

The majority of tourists come to Macau because of the entertainment industry, in particular gambling establishments. Thanks to modern casinos, this metropolis is called Monte Carlo in Asia or Las Vegas in the East. Do not waste time searching for local telecom operators, but buy the eSIM Plus tariff plan for China in advance and stay in touch.

6. Dubai, United Arab Emirates

A competent PR campaign on a global scale has allowed millions of tourists and businessmen to come to Dubai. It is the most visited city in the Middle East.

In general, the United Arab Emirates pursues a very effective policy to attract foreign investment and develop the financial and tourism sector, which, together with huge oil reserves, allows the state to be among the ten richest countries in the world. If you don’t want to spend a lot of money roaming, pre-register the eSIM Plus tariff plan for the UAE and stay online all the time.

7. Paris, France

Of course, the ranking of the most visited cities in the world cannot do without the French capital. Despite the tragic events related to the terrorist attacks several years ago, Paris remains one of the most attractive cities for tourists in Europe. No architectural monument annually receives as many visitors as the Eiffel Tower.

8. New York, USA

Despite the loss of positions in recent years, New York is still among the ten most visited cities in the world. It is the largest American metropolis and the center of international trade. The headquarters of leading international organizations and companies are located here – from the United Nations to Calvin Klein Inc.

Not only US citizens but also tens of thousands of migrants from different countries dream of finding employment in New York City. Life in the Big Apple never stops. If you do not want to suffer with the variety of mobile operators in the USA, then buy an eSIM Plus tariff plan for the USA and stay online.

9. Shenzhen, China

The third representative of China, Shenzhen, is on the list of the most visited cities in the world. The settlement is located in the southern part of the country and acts as a kind of free bridge between mainland China and Hong Kong.

It is one of the fastest-growing cities in the world both in terms of population and level of technological development. The most important trade, a history palace, central tower home, infrastructure, new luxury buildings, some shopping centers, cultural attractions, good food experiences, worldwide famous park, transport, and financial center of the state. It’s easy to get lost in China without guide and communication, so buy an eSIM Plus tariff plan for China and easily find your way.

10. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The ranking of the TOP 10 most visited cities in the world is completed by another Asian metropolis — Kuala Lumpur. According to various estimates, by 2025, the capital of Malaysia will receive at least 20 million people a year.

The city is ahead of such large and popular settlements around the world as Rome, Tokyo, Istanbul, Seoul, and Shanghai. Kuala Lumpur offers tourists many interesting attractions and entertainment programs. Mobile data and internet are expensive in Malaysia, so the best solution would be to purchase an eSIM Plus tariff plan for Malaysia.

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